Friday, February 24, 2012

Who is Chadly?

I have taken the plunge, I am attempting to be the next blogger. I think that over the years I have follow several blogs and their is just something that fascinates me about blogging. My goal with this blog is to find an outlet or a place where I can express what is on my mind and not worry about criticism by followers (friend and family etc.)
A little background for those who will be privilaged to read from my blog, my name is Chad, I grew up in Utah until my senior year in high school, at which time my parents moved our family to E-town PA where I finished my senior year of high school. Upon graduation I served a fulltime mission for my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) that lasted 2 years + in the state of Oregon, upon coming home I went off to school at Brigham Young University-Idaho, there I met my wife and got married after being engaged for 7 months, I studied public health and exercise science and just before graduating with my bachelors, we had our first kid (twins) two little girls who are my whole world right now. After graduating we packed up and moved our family to Des Moines Iowa where I have been working on my masters degree in Healthcare Administration, upon graduation we would like to plant our family in Portland Oregon, my wifes family is from Seattle WA and my family is all back east in PA, so we decided that west bound it will be for our family upon finishing school.
I am a hard worker, I love my church and family very much, I hope that I can share through this blog some of the things that I have expeirenced in this life and hopefully find a good means of ezpressing those thoughts and feelings I have about the things going on in my (Chadly's) life.

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