Friday, February 24, 2012


This semester I am taking a course called Storytelling in Healthcare, and I want to share a little bit about what it Intel's and has been doing for me to this point in the semester.

I have grown up giving talks at church or speaking to different groups for either work or school purposes, but this storytelling course has really changed how I view storytelling and its ability to get a desired message across to the targeted audience much better.

We have had the opportunity to learn different styles of storytelling and when one type is more important during a particular situation vs. a different situation. None the less, it has really helped me step out of my comfort zone, we have had multiple chances to get up and share our different stories with the rest of the class, yea I totally bombed my first time, but after getting some great constructive feedback, the second story I shared about tires and the dangers of their resurfacing was much better received by my peers.

I guess part of the reason I am sharing this post, tonight I have my storytelling class, its all day today and tomorrow and I am just really excited to go and let all these new ideas and thoughts flood my mind and learn how to be a better leader through the telling of stories.

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