Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Discussion About Christ

Yesterday I had tenant who regularly comes in to my office to visit, he is a nice gentleman who moved here years ago from Africa. Well yesterday we spent a good hour or more talking about Christ and how my church differs from his beliefs etc It was a really neat experience for both of us, I feel like when I come away from these experiences, I feel like I want to be a missionary again. It was nice to answer some of the misconceptions that he had about our church and Joseph Smith. Anyhow overall it was a time for me to reflect, and think about what the gospel really does mean for me and my family.

I just wanted to share this as more of a reminder that when we are doing what is right, living our lives how we are supposed to, neat experiences will cross our paths.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blogger App Test

This is a test to see if the new blogger app is worth using on my iPhone!

Below are some pics of some of the fun things we have done lately

Family fun at aquatic center
I-cubs baseball game
Kids loving the neighbors dirt bike
Me in high school

Anyhow hopefully this works, it would make blogging so much easier and convenient.