Thursday, March 22, 2012

First Real Movie...

I had the day off last Thursday and since it was spring break I did not have homework like I normally would. This then lead me to the thought that I wanted to have some real fun with my family, so I set out to make this happen. We started the day shopping for bikes, this because we pulled out mine and the wife's bike and the bike trailer, in doing so, I tuned everything up for all the bikes and found that mine was not working right (something with the de-railer) and the wife decided she wanted a lighter bike, so bike shopping we went. After several stops, we decided that it was not time for new bikes yet, and that we would wait a little longer, till we have the funds to get the bikes we really want. While shopping around we landed ourselves in the mall and next thing I knew the wife had me buying tickets for the upcoming "Hunger Games" movie, did that and as we were walking away it hit me, I want to take my little girls (now 3 1/2 years old) to their first movie in a theater.

So I told the wife, and next thing I know we were headed back to the theater to purchase tickets. My little girls went to a movie when they were like 6 months old, but they slept in their car seats the whole time, so I did not count that. We decided on "Lorax" and we got the girls all pumped up to see a movie on the big "TV" and they were truly excited. I was really impressed with their performance, the movie started at 11:50am and that right their should have been a red flag, my girls normally go down for a 2 or 3 hour nap around 12:30pm each day. But to my surprise, the girls did really well, they sat on their booster seats the whole time, and during different singing moments of the show they even stood up and danced. All in all it was a real success, it was nice to spend time with the girls I love, and its nice to know they can handle a 2 hour movie without getting too restless or out of control. We just might have to do this again someday!

This leads me to the upcoming "Hunger Games" movie, it has been a really long time since I have been to a movie in the theater. Ask my wife, normally if I know that I am going to like a movie, I usually just save the money and purchase it when it comes out on Blue Ray or DVD, not so with Hunger Games, this was the first book series that I read for my own pleasure in years, and I won't admit this to the wife but I think I am more excited to see this movie than anyone, it is a great story and I just cant get enough of it. I reread the first book so that I was up on what happened, and so that I can compare the movie details to the book details. I think this will be the first movie that I have read the book first and will go into the movie knowing what happens before it happens. All I can say is EXCITED!!!

In conclusion, I enjoy movies, I love spending time with my family and I look forward to the date with my wife this weekend when we go to see another movie, its nice to take a break from life and everything around us every once in a while.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Life is Good Today!

I can't complain, things just seem to be working out this week. My schooling has been working my nerves lately and with my upcoming anticipation with school graduation etc. I have really been on edge a lot lately. But I am happy to say that I have gotten things under control now and I feel now like I can breath a little, do some of the things I love, such as playing with my beautiful little twin girls.

Its a good day cause today is Friday and I also happen to have tomorrow off (YEA), my mom, dad, little sister and brother just arrived here in Des Moines yesterday, they drove 17 hours strait from PA to visit me and my family for the weekend. We are excited, this because one of the downfalls of doing my schooling in the middle of the country, well my wife and her family are from Washington state, mine are from PA, so we just don't get a lot of family time like we would like. So the visit by my parents this weekend is much appreciated. They are also here because my little brother is planning to leave later this month for a 2 year mission to Brazil for our church, I too did a mission for 2 years, mine was to the state of Oregon (this is partially why we would love to eventually settle our family in Portland) and since we wont get to see him for the duration of his mission, well this then is the justification for the visit this weekend.

I also enjoy when the parents are hear because they buy us groceries and we tend to go out and do lots of fun things with them, not to mention my little girls love their Nana & Papa, so it all works out for everyone involved. I have one more assignment to do this weekend and other than that its going to be a nice relaxing weekend. I am really excited for all the peace and relaxation.

I wanted to mention that other than the above things, other things are working out well in my life right now, I have been diligent with my personal scripture study, I pray every night and I have been most proud that I have faithfully been having FHE every week, even when my wife is so exhausted that she cant help. My little girls are my life, and I would do anything for them. For example last night one of my little wee ones needed to go pooh pooh, but she was having a really hard time, her mom was away with a friend, so I had to go hold my little girls hand while she sat and cried and told me her story while on the potty, it broke my heart how much this was hurting her, we weren't even able to get her to go, she ended up just cuddling me for a bit on my Lov Sac and then she went to bed. Its those moments when I realized I really do love my girls, I would do anything and everything to prevent the pains they have to go through in life, its moments like this that help me see or feel just a smudge of what our savior went through for each and every person on this planet. Love is powerful, its a great motivational force and I am just glad that its working its magic with me and my family. I love being happy and I am grateful for all the blessings I have in my life.
